How to Become a Member

This is our application process.

1. Submit Basic Information:

When our applicant registration list is open, you will see the “Apply Here” button in the Applicant Sign-Up section on this page. Please complete and submit the basic information requested there. This information will be used to contact you when a suitably sized unit comes available. At that time you will be invited to an Orientation, and you will be asked to complete a longer application form. Please complete the long-form application as it is a requirement for scheduling an interview for membership. Prior to the interview, your income must be verified by our management company.

2. Orientation:

When a suitably sized unit becomes available, you will be invited to attend an orientation, at which you will view the unit and co-op common areas. There will be a brief presentation and time for questions (approximately 1.5 hours total).

3. Interview:

Following the orientation, if you are still interested in the available unit and joining the co-op, you will be invited to schedule an interview that will be conducted at a later date by representatives of the Member Selection Committee. The interview will last approximately 45 minutes, and will give us an opportunity to learn more about you and your family, as well as answer your questions. All family members must be present at the interview.

4. Acceptance:

Our elected Board of Directors has the final responsibility of approving applicants for membership, based on the recommendations of the Member Selection Committee. If approved by the Board, you will then be required to pay the share purchase, receive and sign an Occupancy Agreement, and complete other forms required by the Co-op.

Note: We are only able to keep your application for 1 year. If you wish to stay on the wait-list you must send us an email every January to confirm. If we do not receive an email in the month of January annually, your name will be removed from the wait-list. The next renewal is due in January 2025.

If we do not receive an annual email to confirm you wish to stay on the waitlist, your name will be removed.

Applicant Sign-up

Housing Charges

Site 1 (717 West 8th Ave) – 36 units, as a mix of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units

Site 2 (728 West 8th Ave) – 5 units, including one studio and four 1-bedroom units

Type: Studio (Site 2 x 1)

Number of Residents: 1 or 2

Unit Size: 620 sq ft

Share Purchase: $1,500.00

Monthly Charge: $839.00

Minimum Income Yr: $40,272

Type:1 Bedroom Units, (Site 1 x 5)

Number of Residents: 1 or 2

Unit Size: 620 sq ft

Share Purchase: $1,500.00

Monthly Charge: $1009.00

Type:1 Bedroom Units, (Site 2 x 4)

Number of Residents: 1 or 2

Unit Size: 579 to 744 sq ft

Share Purchase: $1,500.00

Monthly Charge: $1,063.00

Minimum Income Yr: $51,024

Type:2 Bedroom Units, (Site 1 x 9)

Number of Residents: minimum 2; maximum 4

Unit Size: 900 sq ft 2 Levels

Share Purchase: $1,750.00

Monthly Charge: $1,381.00

Type:3 Bedroom Units, (Site 1 x 22)

Number of Residents: minimum 3; maximum 6

Unit Size: 1,060 sq ft 2 Levels

Share Purchase: $2,000.00

Monthly Charge: $1,613.00 / $1,682.00

*Please note: Housing charges are reviewed and set annually by the Membership and may increase.

**The co-op is not able to accept applicants requesting financial assistance for units at Site 2 at this time. The minimum yearly income amounts above are based on our requirement that members pay no more than 30% of their gross annual household income towards housing charges. Percentages are subject to change.

Note: Receipt of your application does not guarantee you will be selected or interviewed for membership.